1 Hour Free Acupuncture online CEU - NCCAOM PDA : Tongue Diagnostics Introduction
Course1 Free NCCAOM PDA Hour: Tongue Diagnostics Introduction.
Texas Online Acupuncture CEUs - 34 Hours - 2 Free Hours!
BundleCourses fulfill the bi-annual CAE requirements set by the Texas Medical Board for acupuncture licensure renewal. With 4-Bio, 6-Herbal, 2-Human Trafficking Edu, 4-Business, 2-Ethics and Safety, and 18-Acu. All hours NCCAOM and TX board certified.
California Acupuncture CEUs - 25 Online CEU hours - 2 Free hours!
BundleCalifornia Acupuncture Board approved for 25 distance online CEUs , Category One, Provider # 1808. [email protected] for more information. NCCAOM certified for 25 PDAs: AOM: CH, OM, AC
34 CEU Hours for Acupuncture - 2 Free Hours!
BundleCourses are all NCCAOM board approved, Provider # 9376. With 4-Bio, 6-Herbal, 4-Business, 2-Medical Ethics, and 18-Acupuncture hours included.
NCCAOM Safety(2 PDAs) and Ethics (2 PDAs)
BundleNCCAOM Safety and Ethics Compliance for recertification. 4 PDAs total, 2 Safety and 2 Ethics for NCCAOM. NCCAOM provider number: 9376
16 CEUS - Advanced Tongue and Observational Diagnostics: 16 CEUs/PDAs CA,TX,FL and NCCAOM, 8 Acu and 8 Herbal TX CAEs
CourseApproved for NCCAOM, provider #9376 for 16 PDAs AOM -AC(4), OM(4), and CH (8). Approved by California Acupuncture Board Provider #1808 for 16 Category One CEUs. Approved for Texas Medical Board for 8 General and 8 Herbal CAEs. Florida: 16 CEUs